Louise Loughlin, owner of her company THE FAB PROJECT qualified in business, IT and French. She then went on to study Personal Training, Neuromuscular Therapy, Pilates and Specific Sports and Exercise Programmes. She is currently studying to be a high level nutritionist.

Louise always had a passion to help women realise their potential, to promote healthy and vibrant living. While all of us would like to have more time,energy and motivation to keep our bodies in check we often just don’t and we are too bamboozled by the information out there.


The FAB PROJECT is created to bring more awareness to our sisters, our daughters, mothers, to all females, that you can build a strong, functioning body, boosting your health and confidence. Its for females looking for a healthy life. You do not need your self esteem to be driven by magazines, insta likes and plastic surgery. You have your own unique and personal journey in this lifetime, so why try to be like anyone else. This perfect “celebrity” portrait will put more and more pressure on young girls and women to be like an ideal doll. Lets change that thinking. Lets not put pressure on our girls. Lets build a vision. 

Depending on where your fitness journey is starting from, Louise will tailor your FAB Program to suit your needs. It takes a consistent program that is adaptable to your lifestyle needs. One which meets the demands of your personal journey, the one you’ve been on so far, and the one that’s going to take you in the direction of your goals.



The EMPOWER Programme helped Louise to think bigger and achieve more –

Empower really helped me to focus on the vision I want to create, with expert speakers, business advice and a very empowering group of women, led by Maria, who motivated and inspired me to another level. I think I would be stuck if I didnt have the opportunities I had with Empower and I really appreciate the opportunity to grow with confidence.

The Program includes:

  • Weekly Workout plan with videos
  • Suitable for improving athletic performance
  • Home based workout you can do anywhere
  • Gym based workout for the gym bunnies
  • Tailored nutrition plan based on your personal figure and goals
  • Weekly accountability and tracking system
  • Access to the Facebook Group with the head coach to ask any questions and support other member

The Muscle Clinic

Results Ireland,

Liosban Industrial Estate,

Galway, Ireland

+353 87 9307 555


Wishing Louise the very best of luck

This project is co-funded by the Irish Government and the European Social Fund as part of the Programme for Employability, Inclusion and Learning 2014-2020.