Testimonials for the CUMASÚ Programme

Síol chúrsaí iontach tacúil agus spreagúil do mhná cumasacha na Gaeltachta lena gcuind smaointe gnó a chothú.
Muireann Ní Dhroighneáin
Cumasú 2022/2023 Programme

Chríochnaigh mé an cúrsa Empower le déanaí agus bhí sé thar a bheith luachmhar. Bhí na teagascóirí eolach agus thug siad léargais luachmhara agus chuir samplaí praiticiúla ar fáil a chabhraigh liom tuiscint níos fearr a fháil ar conas mo ghnó a fhorbairt. Tugadh na huirlisí agus na hacmhainní a theastaigh uaim chun mo smaointí a fhíorú. Mholfainn an cúrsa seo go mór d’aon duine ar spéis leo a ngnó féin a thosú nó atá ag iarraidh a ngnó reatha a thabhairt go dtí an chéad leibhéal eile. Míle buíochas le ATU agus le hÚdarás na Gaeltachta agus leis na teagascóirí as eispéireas foghlama luachmhar a chur ar fáil.
Margaret Leahy
Cumasú 2022/2023 Programme

An fiontraí mná tú atá ag iarraidh a bheith in ann do chumas iomlán a bhaint amach? Cuidíonn ATU EMPOWER CUMASÚ leat do ghuth a aimsiú i gcúrsaí gnó. Scileanna a thógáil agus treoir agus tacaíocht ghairmiúil a fháil trí naisc agus meantóireacht ó fhiontraithe eile a chuireann le forbairt shóisialta, eacnamaíoch agus chultúrtha. Is pleanáil ghnó é seo le deiseanna a fhorbairt agus bheith sáite i ngnólachtaí nuathionscanta agus gnólachtaí beaga. Molaim an clár EMPOWER CUMASÚ go mór.
Letitia Hill
Cumasú 2022/2023 Programme

Tugann an cláir EMPOWER CUMASÚ cumhacht duit féin agus dod’ chuid smaointí agus mianta do do ghnó a chur chun cinn. Bhí an cúrsa an-tairbheach do mo ghnó ba thrua nach raibh an cúrsa ar fáil nuair a thosaigh mé ar dtús. Thug sé ana-chuid eolais agus muiníne dom mo ghnó a chur chun cinn agus a fhorbairt go dtí an chéad.
Elaine Dunne
Cumasú 2022/2023 Programme

Bhí an cúrsa go h-iontach. Thug sé an fhéinmhuinín agus an creideamh dom fios a bheith agam gur féidir liom é seo a dhéanamh.
Emily Lavelle
Cumasú 2022/2023 Programme

A supporting and encouraging course for the talented women of the Gaeltacht to nurture their business ideas.
Muireann Ní Dhroighneáin
Cumasú 2022/2023 Programme

I recently completed the Empower course and found it invaluable. The instructors were knowledgeable, provided valuable insights and practical examples that helped me better understand how to develop my business. It gave me the tools and resources I need to turn my ideas into reality. I would highly recommend this course to anyone who is interested in starting their own business or looking to take their existing business to the next level. Thank you to ATU and Údarás na Gaeltachta and the instructors for such a valuable learning experience.
Margaret Leahy
Cumasú 2022/2023 Programme

Are you a woman entrepreneur looking to become empowered to achieve your full potential? ATU EMPOWER CUMASÚ helps you find your voice in business. Build skills and receive professional guidance and support through connections and mentorship from other entrepreneurs contributing to social, economic and cultural development. This is a lean business planning, developing opportunity, and immersion into start-ups and small businesses. I highly recommend EMPOWER CUMASÚ programme.
Letitia Hill
Cumasú 2022/2023 Programme

The EMPOWER CUMASÚ programme, really does empower you and your ideas and aspirations for your business. I found the course very beneficial for my business and only wish I could have done this course when I first started. It has given me so much knowledge and confidence to progress and develop my business to the next level.
Elaine Dunne
Cumasú 2022/2023 Programme

The course was amazing. It has given me the self-confidence and self-belief to know I can do this.