START Testimonials

Testimonials for the EMPOWER START Programme

EMPOWER START absolutely changed my life. I now have the new business that I had dreamt of for over ten years. I have clients. I have my own income. I have so much joy every morning going to work at something that I created myself.

Nicola Kearns | Leitrim Writing Cottage
START 2022 Programme

I cannot believe the amount of knowledge and direction I got from the Empower program. It completely opened up my mind to so many avenues I didn’t know about, and how to tap into so much information that’s out there. The help I got with conducting research and pitching our products was invaluable.

Sinéad Foyle | The Sea Hare Kitchen
START 2022 Programme

The programme was an overall amazing experience, from the other female entrepreneurs I met and the peer support they offered, to the organizers and the speakers. It gave me the space to reflect and consider my business, to learn about starting and growing my business, and to meet others that faced similar challenges to know that I was not alone. I felt I had people behind me rooting for me to succeed. The course gave me confidence to believe in myself and my business idea and a road map for going forward.

Dr Natasha Langan
START 2022 Programme

Without the programme I truly believe I would not have come as far as I have. It has instilled in me a great business sense but also a self-belief which has not left me. 

Michelle Boland | AONACH
START 2022 Programme

I am honoured to have been selected to participate in the EMPOWER START program. I was able to understand my unique strengths and how to use them to grow my creative business in just 12 weeks. Sandra and the other mentors were tremendously helpful. The course really opened my eyes and gave me the confidence to embark on my entrepreneurial journey.

Dani Baumgarten | Dani Teal Studio
START 2022 Programme

The EMPOWER Program built my confidence as a businesswoman and gave me access to not only to professionals but a network of other amazing female entrepreneurs. It also forced me to deep dive into my business and challenge my thoughts and ideas.

Adriana Taheny | ZZZANA
START 2022 Programme

EMPOWER START helped my confidence. A lot of us felt like imposters at first, but we had so much support from everyone on the EMPOWER team, and all the guest speakers, that by the end, we felt absolutely EMPOWERed!

Denise Duffy | Room for a Trade
START 2022 Programme

The programme was structured and delivered in such a way that enabled me to explore and reflect not only on my business proposition, but on myself as a woman; a woman with many desires, including the desire to found and build her own business


Katie Cadden
START 2022 Programme

EMPOWER START is a brilliant opportunity to look at your business from inside out, to assess it objectively, discover what works and what does not and learn how to improve and develop your business. Having access to a variety of experts is invaluable. It is an amazing community of woman that encourages and supports each other, it really is a special tribe to be part of.


Goretti Dwyer |
START 2022 Programme

There were many benefits to taking part in the Empower Start programme for both of us. The number one stand out benefit is the network of like-minded and extremely supportive females that you gain just by taking part, it is something that you cannot put a value on. 

Elaine Doherty & Sandra Ginnelly | Elasan Solutions Ltd.
START 2022 Programme

Empower Start 2020 helped me to really hear the customer’s needs and, in understanding those, I was able to refine my business offering.

Báirbre Meehan | PAUSE
START 2020/2021 Programme

Empower Start 2020 was intense but rewarding. It showed me how much I had to learn and the importance of listening to the experts.

Caroline O’Shaughnessy | Cumas Ceangal
START 2020/2021 Programme

Empower Start 2020 was run by people who were genuinely invested in your success. The positive and supportive environment reflected my values, and the structure and comradeship were very beneficial.

Fidelma Dunne O’Higgins | Irish Art Emporium
START 2020/2021 Programme

Empower Start 2020 gave me the opportunity to meet like-minded women with similar passions, ambitions and goals. The energy I got from other people being on the same path with me was helpful to keep me motivated.

Tréasa Fitzgibbon | Tréasa Fitzgibbon Coaching
START 2020/2021 Programme

I was a member of the EMPOWER START programme from November 2020 until February 2021. After completing my degree I really had not anticipated my final year project to grab me a place on the course but was pleasantly surprised after being selected. Despite my lack of experience and background in entrepreneurship, I got to validate my concept and realise my potential. The programme offered me further insights on how to make my idea a reality and eliminated my initial sense of imposter syndrome. My self-confidence has soared and I am excited to continue to develop my journey into becoming my own boss. The course has showed me that nothing is out of reach and there is certainly a place where like-minded women can come together to obtain support and knowledge. I would recommend this facility to anyone who has a business idea they would like to explore, regardless of experience and expertise. I would like to thank all the strong ladies I met here that lead me on the right path into becoming a successful woman.

Ashleen Nee | HotelGo
START 2020/2021 Programme

The EMPOWER START programme was exactly what I needed at the early stage of start-up, and throughout the course I constantly felt I was ‘in the right place at the right time’. Between the tips and tricks we got from trainers and the real-life stories from past participants, the amount of insight we were offered was just incredible. Moreover, the support and equality within the group is something usually quite hard come by and although the whole programme was delivered online we all made some amazing connections. I most definitely recommend this programme to any ladies starting out, I think I’d still be flailing around my idea if it wasn’t for the mentoring and guidance of EMPOWER.

Carla Rosenkranz | Barterkind
START 2020/2021 Programme

The EMPOWER START Programme gave me the push necessary to confidently begin and believe in my journey as an entrepreneur. It prepared me to face the reality of the business world (pitching, marketing), helped me to envision the next steps for my company and connected me with the business world. You transformed people with ideas into real professionals. This was invaluable training and I am so grateful to have been a part of it! Thank you again.

Clémence Guiraut | Coolin Soaps
START 2020/2021 Programme

The EMPOWER Programme has been an incredible grounding in starting off as a female entrepreneur. The course content and advice really opened my eyes to the reality of running my own business. For me, however, the most important part of the programme was becoming part of a group of such supportive and like-minded women. I was sceptical that it would be possible to build relationships like this on a programme that was delivered online. I was wrong. The early stages of becoming an entrepreneur can be a lonely road but it’s one I feel much more confident on now. The knowledge I’ve gained and the friendships I’ve made on the EMPOWER programme will undoubtedly have a significant impact on my future business success. Finally, much thanks to Sandra, Michelle and the wider EMPOWER team for creating such an inspirational programme.

Catherine Devine | Pumpskynz
START 2020/2021 Programme

I found the EMPOWER START programme exactly that, empowering. The sense of support and the genuine will for participants to succeed in their businesses from all involved, the trainers, mentors and directors, was incredible. I feel prepared to take the next steps in my business, with the knowing that I have the skills and information needed to address any future challenges.

Lisa Marie Gallagher | Be Yew – Elemental Energy and Sound Healing
START 2020/2021 Programme

I was delighted to be chosen for the EMPOWER programme and would highly recommend it. I have made lots of wonderful connections and it made me feel as if I was part of something almost like a family, a support network. The road of a new entrepreneur can be a lonely one so to have such support gave you a great boost to know you’re not alone. The program delivered a wealth of information and inspiration. I was sorry to see it end.

Aishling Duffy | The Duffy Tea and Beverage Company
START 2020/2021 Programme

The strengths-based talents and support of EMPOWER START has helped me better understand my own capability and bolstered my self-belief to turn my idea into a successful enterprise. My sincere thanks to everyone involved in the programme.

Karen McCormick | InCharge
START 2020/2021 Programme

The programme led me to really interrogate my motivation for starting my own business, the rational and opportunities for my business and emerge with really clear goals, targets and strategies that I was able to immediately apply.  The support of the community of organisers, guest speakers and fellow participants was, and remains, wonderful.  Starting your own business can be lonely, but EMPOWER START gives you a team of cheerleaders and powerful resources to make your dream a reality.

Denise Callan |
START 2020/2021 Programme

The EMPOWER START programme has been incredibly supportive and my network of budding Start-ups and mentors has significantly expanded. The buddy group is a terrific initiative.  To all those women considering starting a business – this is a Must do, you will have no regrets!

Margaret Rae
START 2020/2021 Programme

Fantastic support and guidance received throughout this programme, I loved connecting in with other like-minded women, everyone was very supportive of each other on their journey. Highly recommend to anyone starting out or thinking of starting out on their own.

Elaine Harrington | Inform Physiotherapy & Pilates
START 2020/2021 Programme

Really practical programme if you are thinking of setting up a business.  This programme helps you in a supportive manner to explore your business idea, carry out relevant market research and provides you with skills and tools to develop your business.  I would highly recommend it.

Michelle McLoughlin | Fit Fun Adventures
START 2020/2021 Programme

The EMPOWER START programme has given me one of the best starts for my business. I now know what my weak and strong points are and where I need to develop. A must for a business start-up.

Munaza Gilmore | Brow Lounge Swinford
START 2020/2021 Programme

The Empower START programme is a brilliant option for female entrepreneurs in the early stages of their business. The program deals with all the main aspects of a business, from creating the business plan to marketing and selling your product. All the speakers were excellent and the information is invaluable, but the biggest benefit for me was the mentoring and networking provided by the group itself. It really helped to increase my confidence in myself as a business woman and in my product. We’ve created a lasting relationship and I believe we will continue to provide help and support to each other beyond the programme into the future.

Mary Corrigon | Noo Chocolates

Women in business in the West of Ireland may find themselves up against many barriers, but through the invaluable support of the programme Mentors and peers, EMPOWERHer has provided me with the tools to overcome any challenge my business may face. Since commencing the START programme, my business has already started to achieve traction within the market and I am excited about what the futures holds for Hawthorn Handmade Skincare.

Elaine Kennedy | Hawthorn Handmade Skincare

The EMPOWER Programme has helped me acquire relevant skills to run my own business. The course instils the importance of group work and networking with team interactions applying principles of critical thinking, problem solving and sharing. The lecturers were engaging covering topics such as lean canvas, market research, financials, networking, funding sources and data protection. I have gained more confidence in my ability to structure my company and position it in the marketplace. Thank you to Maria Staunton our leader, motivator and friend.

Deirdre O Dwyer Veerasingam | Cardiotechhealthcare Ltd

The EMPOWER Programme has opened up a new network of people and supports which I could not have accessed myself but the best part was meeting Maria and all the participants who have been so encouraging, fun to meet and I look forward to seeing us all develop over the next two years.

Mary Finn | Connect4Work

The EMPOWER Programme is a great learning and support network, we encourage each other and form lasting friendships. It was an amazing journey learning what others see and think about you and your business, it removes the wool from your eyes if you are willing to listen and learn.

Rachel Dubber | Rachel Dubber Art. Design. Photography

Having taken part in the recent EMPOWER START Programme for Entrepreneurial women, I feel very focused and motivated to make my business the best possible. I met so many fabulous women, I like to call friends, who are incredibly supportive and encouraging. The organizers and mentors on the programme were simply fantastic, with Maria Staunton, in particular standing out as our best cheer leader. I enjoyed the subjects covered and learned lots of great things, even when some advice was not directly linked to my business. I would recommend this programme to any woman who is looking for support and current advice to help grow her business in Ireland and beyond.

Pauline Rohdich |

We thoroughly enjoyed being part of the Empower 2017 Programme. The course was well organised and structured with informative and appropriate speakers and presenters each week but most of all we gained a lot of knowledge, insight and advice from our peers/participants on the course.

Emer Bourke & Siobhan Hennelly | Food Fitness Fertility Ltd

The Empower Start Programme was executed through excellence by Michelle & Sandra. The versatility of top quality entrepreneurs that connected in this action packed 12 week virtual programme was phenomenal, amazing opportunity to network & connect. Hand picked guest speakers & trainers from New York, across the globe and Ireland oozed passion on their specialist subjects, where I felt set up for success. The virtual platform presented no barriers & I thoroughly enjoyed this programme. Thank you to Maria Staunton for the initial vision for the programme & all involved at Empower her, along with the Local LEO offices, The Innovation Hub, GMIT & the Western Development Commission.

Fran Best | Lissawell Coaching
START 2020/2021 Programme