New programme CUMASÚ will provide support for women entrepreneurs in the Gaeltacht

udaras na gaeltacht

Údarás na Gaeltachta jointly with EMPOWER launching

a new pilot program ENABLED aimed at women entrepreneurs


Údarás na Gaeltachta is providing a new program for women entrepreneurs in the Gaeltacht, jointly with the EMPOWER program, a free support program of the innovation hubs of the Atlantic University of Technology. The new program is aimed at assisting women who are engaged in entrepreneurship and will be specifically aimed at women entrepreneurs in the Gaeltacht areas of Galway and Mayo.

EMPOWER offers two separate programs, START aimed at people who have a business idea they want to explore and FÁS (GROWTH) for entrepreneurs who are already in business and are looking to grow their business and to develop.

EMPOWER has been on the scene since 2017, when it was founded due to the strong demand from newly founded companies led by women in the west. Since then the program has been very popular. 450 applications were received for the final round (320 for the TÚS program, and 130 for the FÁS program, which is suitable for women who already have a business and want to grow or develop that business). 65 women took part in EMPOWER II and as a result, 65 people were employed, the participants managed to attract €10m in funding and 148 new products were launched.

Maria Staunton, EMPOWER 2 Co-ordinator said “The Empower program is very successful and is making a significant contribution to the development of this region. We are now looking forward to implementing CUMASÚ in the Gaeltacht areas of Mayo and Galway. This is a pilot scheme and we hope to see excellent results emerge from it.”

CUMASÚ – TÚS tests ideas for new businesses, to see if they would be accepted in the market. It is aimed at women who have a new business idea and have been in business for less than a year. This free program is offered by experts in early stage businesses, on a part-time basis for 12 weeks. This enables the women who are participating, to pay attention to any family needs and to develop and plan their business at the same time.

“In the past years, a wide range of businesses have been involved in the program and it was wonderful to see these women becoming more confident and achieving their own professional goals. I am very much looking forward to developing the relationship with Údarás na Gaeltachta.”

Seán Ó Coisdealbha, manager of the western region for Údarás na Gaeltachta, said, “EMPOWERMENT for the Gaeltacht is a great opportunity to take advantage of the good practice created by the Atlantic University of Technology to develop women entrepreneurs. We will be taking full advantage of the technology in Gteic to have that expertise on the doorstep, for female participants, throughout the Western Gaeltacht.”

There are a limited number of spaces on the course and applications must be made before 16 December at 5pm.

Údarás na Gaeltachta i gcomhpháirt le EMPOWER ag seoladh

clár píolótach nua CUMASÚ dírithe ar fhiontraithe mná


Tá clár nua do fhiontraithe mná sa nGaeltacht á chur ar fáil ag Údarás na Gaeltachta, i gcomhpháirt leis an gclár EMPOWER, clár tacaíochta saor in aisce de chuid moil nuálaíochta Ollscoil Teicneolaíochta an Atlantaigh. Tá an clár nua dírithe ar chúnamh a thabhairt do mhná atá i mbun fiontraíochta agus beidh sé dírithe go sonrach ar fhiontraithe mná i gceantair Ghaeltachta na Gaillimhe agus Mhaigh Eo.

Cuireann EMPOWER dhá chlár ar leith ar fáil, TÚS (START) atá dírithe ar dhaoine a bhfuil smaoineamh gnó acu atá siad ag iarraidh a iniúchadh agus FÁS (GROWTH) do fhiontraithe atá i mbun gnó cheana féin agus atá ag iarradh a ngnó a fhás agus a fhorbairt.

Tá EMPOWER ar an bhfód ó 2017, nuair a bunaíodh é mar gheall ar an éileamh láidir ó chomhlachtaí nuabhunaithe a bhí faoi stiúir ban san iarthar. Ó shin i leith tá an-tóir ar an gclár. Fuarthas 450 iarratas don bhabhta deireadh (320 don chlár TÚS, agus 130 don chlár FÁS, atá feiliúnach do mhná a bhfuil gnó acu cheana féin agus iad ag iarraidh an gnó sin a fhás nó a fhorbairt). Ghlac 65 bean páirt in EMPOWER II agus dá bharr, fostaíodh 65 duine, d’éirigh leis na rannpháirtithe €10m maoinithe a mhealladh agus seoladh 148 táirge nua.

Dúirt Maria Staunton, Comhordaitheoir EMPOWER 2 “Tá ag éirí thar barr leis an gclár Empower agus tá sé ag cur go mór le forbairt an réigiúin seo. Tá muid ag tnúth anois le CUMASÚ a fheidhmiú i gceantair Ghaeltachta Mhaigh Eo agus na Gaillimhe. Is scéim phíolótach í seo agus tá súil againn torthaí den scoth a fheiceáil ag eascairt as.”

Déanann CUMASÚ – TÚS tástáil ar smaointe do ghnóthaí nua, go bhfeicfear an mbeadh glacadh leo sa margadh. Tá sé dírithe ar mhná a bhfuil smaoineamh gnó nua acu agus atá níos lú ná bliana in mbun gnó. Is saineolaithe i ngnóthaí luathstaid a chuireann an clár saor in aisce seo ar fáil, ar bhonn páirtaimseartha ar feadh 12 seachtainí. Cuireann sé seo ar chumas na mban atá ag glacadh páirt, aird a thabhairt ar aon riachtanas clainne agus a ngnó a fhorbairt agus a phleanáil ag an am céanna.

“Sna blianta seo caite, bhí réimse leathan gnóthaí páirteach sa gclár agus b’iontach na mná seo a fheiceáil ag éirí níos muiníní agus ag baint amach a gcuid spriocanna gairmiúla féin. Tá mé ag tnúth go mór leis an gcaidreamh le hÚdarás na Gaeltachta a fhorbairt.”

Dúirt Seán Ó Coisdealbha, bainisteoir réigiún an iarthair do Údarás na Gaeltachta, “Is iontach an deis í CUMASÚ don Gaeltacht le buntáiste a bhaint as an dea-chleachtas atá cruthaithe ag Ollscoil Teicneolaíochta an Atlantaigh chun fiontraithe mná a fhorbairt. Beidh muid ag baint lánbhuntáiste as an teicneolaíocht sa Gteic chun an saineolas sin a bheith ar leac an dorais, do rannpháirtithe mná, ar fud Gaeltacht an Iarthair.”

Ta líon teoranta spásanna ar an gcúrsa agus caithfear iarratas a dhéanamh roimh an 16 Nollaig ag