FOOD FITNESS FERTILITY with Siobhán Hennelly and Emer Burke


Food Fitness Fertility – a healthier path to pregnancy.

FOOD FITNESS FERTILITY supports women and couples who are trying to get pregnant, educating them on how to optimize fertility through:

  • Nutrition
  • Exercise
  • Sex education
  • Implementing lifestyle changes

The courses are accessible on their website via a learning platform with weekly meal plans, video workouts, accountability and support.

Both Siobhán and Emer are passionate about:

  • Women’s health
  • Educating women on how their bodies work
  • Empowering women on how to take control of their fertility


“both of us have been the women we seek to help”


Siobhán is a nutritional therapist registered with Nutritional Therapists of Ireland and also a personal trainer with years of experience facilitating workshops, classes and dealing with private clients; After a ten year span of no menstrual cycle, Siobhán, conceived a little girl in 2015 by making effective dietary changes.

Emer, a personal trainer qualified with ITEC health and fitness, has over 5 years’ experience running her own women’s fitness gym specializing in pregnancy and postpartum fitness. She worked in finance for 8 years and is a chartered certified Accountant. Emer overcame secondary infertility to have her second child; success was found through:

  • Self-education
  • Research
  • Making changes to her exercise regime
  • Learning how to cope with stress


FOOD FITNESS FERTILITY is predominately an online venture, registered in Galway.

The evidence based courses, designed by Emer and Siobhan, is based on The Nurses Health Study. The study followed 18k women and found infertility associated with ovulation issues coupled with diabetes are largely preventable; with lifestyle modifications.

The overall aim of the courses are to help women achieve:

  • Optimal weight
  • Balanced blood sugars
  • Balanced hormone levels

all of which will assist with conception.

In the future, Food Fitness Fertility aims to achieve a more extensive marketing campaign based on member feedback and market research. Other potential revenue streams include:

  • Corporate women’s wellness days
  • Retreats
  • Workshops.

Medium term goals are to explore partnerships with health insurance companies and the HSE, helping them to bring down costs that will be incurred with the new ART Funding Bill.

Longer term Food Fitness Fertility will offer online courses through their website, and also develop an app for women at ALL stages of their journey to motherhood from:

  • Preconception
  • Pregnancy
  • Postpartum
  • Early childhood


Regarding the Empower programme, are Emer and Siobhan satisfied with their experience?

“We joined the Empower programme at the infancy of our company. We had just incorporated and launched our website and courses. EmpowerStart programme helped us identify who our target market is; it gave us valuable resources and contacts to help set up the company with financial templates, forecasting information, and legal requirements. Moreover, the programme also highlighted  funding and grants available to us; Attending a programme over a 12-week period encouraged us set goals, not to mention strive to achieve them.

We found inspiration from the guest speakers, in addition to the other female entrepreneurs. We continue to be in contact with and have built a very advantageous network that will support, encourage and advise each other on all aspects of business.”

This project is co-funded by the Irish Government and the European Social Fund as part of the Programme for Employability, Inclusion and Learning 2014-2020.