


Homecheck, a civil engineering consultancy specialising in services for home buyers and sellers in Counties Galway/Clare, is the brainchild of Niamh Ryle.

With a passion for identifying gaps between the expectations of home buyers and the type/quality of the service and reports which were available, Homecheck helps buyers/sellers by leveraging new technologies to drive down costs for her customers.

Graduating with a Civil Engineering degree from UCD, Ryle has a concrete foundation of understanding the concepts and resources required when it comes to home buying or selling.

Armed with this knowledge, Homecheck is best able to accommodate their growing audience of home buyers:

  • First-time buyers
  • Investors
  • Holiday home buyers
  • Trader-uppers
  • Property sellers


The growth plan is to extend their service-based business beyond Galway and to expand on the services currently offered.

Niamh participated in the EMPOWER Growth Programme Cycle 1. This is a Programme for female entrepreneurs in the West of Ireland.

We asked how EMPOWER influenced Homecheck and Niamh said:

“The Empower programme highlighted the need for good planning. I was inspired, motivated and comforted when facing difficult decisions.”

If you are buying or selling a house this year, you know who to call first!


This project is co-funded by the Irish Government and the European Social Fund as part of the Programme for Employability, Inclusion and Learning 2014-2020.